Connects to your smartphone and offers 32,136 pixels (206 x 156), -40°F - 626°F, & distance of 1000 ft
Connects to your smartphone and offers 32,136 pixels (206 x 156), -40 to 626°F, & distance of 1800ft
Most advanced thermal imager features 320 x 240 thermal sensor with high sensitivity and a wide, 32-degree field of view
Simple, low-cost, thermal imaging system designed to automate body temperature screening using skin temperature as a proxy, ±0.3°C (±0.5°F) accuracy
Protect yourself, your crew, and your community with high-resolution personal thermal imaging
Personal thermo camera for improved situational awareness & firefighter safety
Offers 32,136 pixels (206 x 156), -40°F to 626°F, distance of 900ft, & >15Hz frame rate